What is Page Five?

This is a personal blog (of some sort), with a purpose. A personal belief that I’ve had for many years is that the United States of America Constitution, the single document that runs the most influencial country in the history of the world, is finally starting to show it’s age. It is the oldest living form of government in history, and is the single document that is mimicked many times over across the world. This particular collection of writings are to model this much like how the Federalist Papers were written back in the late 1700’s. With a idea to persuade large swaths of people that some new (and old) ideas are well thought out and a genuine improvement over what we currently know and understand. Most topics that I provide will convey a general principal, along with a policy position that could help achieve the goals of that idea.

This will be overtly and unavoidably political. And yes, I will convey messages and have stances on things that are in fact unpopular. Get over it, adults shoudln’t live in grade school where popularity reigns supreme.

I will stand for what is right and will have a unapologetic pro-American stance on virtually all topics. While my ideas can be modeled by other territories, and I would even encourage it, this is specifically meant for the United States and the situations that we find ourselves in.

The Idea of Page Five is simple, what comes after page four of the U.S. Constitution? How do we improve this document, and by extension our country, to better everyone? These are hard questions to ask, much less answer. I plan on asking and answering as many as humanly possible.